Unlimited Bandwidth, No Headaches.
Max file size for unregistered users: 5 GB
By uploading files, you automatically agree to our terms of service
We provide both free and pro downloads. However, with our pro upgrade you have access to our dedicated servers and unrestricted speeds.
Everyone hates splitting up large files. That's why we provide you with the ability to upload single files up to 50 GB with a registered account.
Have access to your files no matter where you go. View, manage, and share from anywhere.
Our servers are secure and files are safe to download from.
Easy user interface and optimized for every device.
24/7 mail support is provided for webmasters.
We're sorry, but new account registrations are temporarily not permitted. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. If you're a current user, though, you can still login. We hope to restore registrations in the very near future.